Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit

Today I decided to walk the Rustimiyan perimeter to see what there was to see. There is quite a bit, most of it dust. Every time a convoy would roll by, my eyes got itchier and itchier. I figured it was allergies so I made a short cut to the PX for some Visine. In retrospect, it was dust rather than pollen, so all is now well. Ahhh... the cooling goodness of putting chemicals in your eyes. Aside from the dust, I noticed that it has warmed up quite a bit in the past couple days. When I walked to the gym, it was plain old hot.
Walking back, I bet it was 5 degrees cooler. The sky was dark, and with sunglasses on I could look at the sun. There was so much dust in the air that they sky was a hazy pink. So at night there is a gentle glow of burning garbage over the wall, and during the day the sand blots out the sun. All that and crazy militants. Makes you want to build a vacation home here.