Friday, March 30, 2007


Today I almost didn't make it back. From the Post Office. I received over 30 lbs. of premo coffee. I should have enough caffeine to last me forever - thank you all. Old GW didn't know what he was getting when he asked for this surge.

I have seen the enemy, and he is us. Today during our BUB (Battalion Update Brief), which lasted a brief 3 1/2 hours, I found out why we have not won this war. We, the brain trust of the battalion of 1000 soldiers, spent 30 minutes trying to figure out when to switch our clocks for daylight savings time. There are conflicting posters throughout the FOB directing change tonight or tomorrow night. The official word says 0001 on 31 March, but this has been changed and re-changed at the General level. My unit finally decided on tonight. So the reason we may never win is us...

Or maybe not. Could it be that we are trying to save a desert nation that wants more waking hours of sunlight during the summer? I'll think about it as I sip.