Monday, March 12, 2007

KBR Diet

As I type this, I am finishing up my box meal that encompassed only half of the recommended KBR food groups. I had chicken caciatorre and macaroni with beef sauce, but there was nothing pork or cheese based. Actually, KBR has vegetables, too, but what kind of self-respecting soldier would admit to eating plant matter like cauliflower and collard greens? Not me, for sure.

Tonight at the clinic a guy came in with a broken thumb, so I got to see more than just handing out asprin. All the clinic had was pink casts, so I'm sure the guy will catch it tonight. Gotta love the lowest bidder.

Anyway, this was the first day with LTJG Meador, the guy I relieved, gone, and it went just fine. For being in a war-zone, 10,000 miles from my family, things could be worse.


Jim Annable said...

A Marine would rather have the broken thumb than wear the pink cast.

Anonymous said...

Jim, thats because Marines are all thumbs. :)

Hi Matt, sorry to see youre run aground. You'll have to said by "ash breeze"