Friday, March 9, 2007

Found by responsible adults

I just found out that the Math Dept at USNA knows about this blog, so I guess I have to watch my grammar, spelling, and sarcasm now. I am just about turned over with LTJG Michael Meador, a history major from '03. Everyone who finds out he is leaving tells me I have big shoes to fill. I was really hoping that people would be glad to see a new face because relieving someone who has done a good job raises the bar. And goodness knows I love low bars.
I just got back from the DFAC, and I have got to give a big thanks to all you taxpayers out there because you feed me well. It was surf and turf night, and even though they were out of steak I had a delicious lobster tail and shrimp. There is so much money being spent by KBR out here that I wonder how we afford bullets. It took about 30 minutes to drive from one side of the main base in Baghdad to the other side. Massive amounts of stuff. Concrete mortar guards and connex box living spaces as far as you could see. Trucks and heavy non-military equipment everywhere. And the food is great. An interesting side note: they only put the mortar guards around military billeting, so if you are the one cooking the lobster, you're on your own from the mortars. The lobster would see an ironic justice in that, I'm sure.
I also spent a couple of hours at the hospital today. I walked over and introduced myself to the doctors and told them I was applying to USUHS. They were more than glad to let me follow them around at sick call, so that might be my evening activity from now on. That means that I will be accomplishing something personally beneficial on this foray to Baghdad's finest neighborhood.
One final note. Those of us staying at Rusty are getting an insert in our medical records verifying that we lived between a garbage burning dump and a sewage treatment plant. Just in case....


The Queen said...

What do you think that is doing the genetics of our future children?

spanks. said...

certainly not increasing your chances of a male heir!