Friday, August 3, 2007

Not a bad day...

...considering the company and the location. I must be getting back in the routine because I'm starting to notice the days by the meetings and meals. Today is surf-n-turf and BUB meeting day. I'm really impressed how KBR keeps trying. Today, in addition to a steak that looks like it came from a cow, there were crab legs, crab balls, lobster tails, and fried scallops. None live up to civilian expectations, but all of us out here really do owe a thanks to a country who tries to do right by us. Next time you see the cost of the war, remember that it could be cheaper, but the guys who have the bad jobs deserve the good meals.

The best part of the BUB was not that it was under two hours. The best part was that I got out with no additional tasking. I'm learning better and better that giving additional information, even if it pertains to my portion of the war, really doesn't add anything. All it does is generate random tasking, which is the worst kind since spur of the moment questions often have impossibly difficult and meaninglessly unrewarding answers. I avoided that today, so life is good.

We also got water back in our bathroom, but the same day the water truck was repaired the hottentots hit the other bathroom with permanent pipes. What's with these people? What do they have against hygiene? For the love of Pete, let us shower!! And if you would quit messing up the rest of the country, everyone out there could shower, too. What a wonderful world it would be. I don't think their stated goal is "War on hygienic practices" because no one would be silly enough to make war on a method rather than the people who practice it. I think they make war on us because we bring hygiene to their country which threatens their way of life.

But come on, guys! Just behave and you won't have to stink. And neither will I.

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