Friday, June 1, 2007

One step closer

Today I had the mandatory pre-leave brief that included don't drink and drive and don't try to solve any long term marital problems in the two weeks you have. It only lasted about 15 minutes, so it was appropriately lengthed.

Sorry that I haven't been allowing comments. I often just forget to turn them on. I have been chastened by a good portion of my adoring audience so I have mended my ways.


The Queen said...

The paper chain is going strong and we haven't forgotten a day yet. Although Sabrina will have to tear one off when she gets back this afternoon. Counting down the days...

Hey can you check my spelling before you put this on your blog? I see you have to approve the comments. Can you edit them as well?

The Queen said...

I am commenting on the post that is above this one since you have turned the comments off...

Are you SURE you can't call me that cell phone?! I mean, you could just type in our # and see what happens?! Just one little call. Give it a try. Just my luck- it probably has amazing coverage and your calls are as clear as anything. Sigggghhhh.....and I used to be satisfied with family grams on the sub...