Today was, I estimate, in the low 100's due to the upper atmospheric sand which is a wonderful break from the normal. So the next time you are debating whether to bake brownies at 350 like the box says or 340, know that ten degrees makes a huge difference to the brownies in the oven. A couple of days ago when it was a bit warmer, we had brown outs in the barracks because too many people were running their window units. The inner rooms, which is what I'm in, have central air while the outer rooms have AC units. I think we would not have as many brown outs if we just piped the central air everywhere because the unit is plenty large to cool the whole building.
One thing that drives me nuts out here is the way people will leave doors open when the AC is on. The bathroom door is always open with the AC just blowing away. One of the doors in our main BN area was "fixed" a couple of days ago, and now it just won't shut. It is always about 15 degrees open. And when people want to run a new phone line or pipe into a building, they just knock a brick out and run the line in. Hello!! Don't you realize that cold air is getting out? I have a hard time believing anyone's mother would raise them to just not care about letting cold air out, but apparently that is the case.
I suppose in the grand scheme of this multi-billion dollar war the wasted cold air is inconsequential. The waste still drives me nuts.